About The Founder

I am an entrepreneur and stay at home mom. I was raised in the midwest, but left the area as a young adult to see the world. I enjoy all things associated with adventure and the outdoors--mountain biking, hiking, backpacking, camping, skiing, and traveling. I also love yoga and music, and try to incorporate these hobbies into daily life.
I have 2 beautiful girls and live on a ranch in Colorado with my amazing husband. I have been blessed to stay at home and raise my girls for the past decade or so. Once my kids reached an age of somewhat self-sufficiency, I knew I wanted to do something to help contribute to my family's financial well-being. In a former life, I was a Hydrologist in Alaska--a career I loved dearly, but not one I had intentions of going back to. I decided I wanted to work for myself, so I decided to create HeadPeace!
I created HeadPeace because I am a headband person, and I wasn't able to find the perfect headband in the marketplace. I designed HeadPeace headbands by combining a few of my favorite, most comfortable and fashionable headbands. After receiving such great feedback on the original product launch, I expanded the product line to include the items you see today. I love being able to help support women in need around the world with my business! HeadPeace headbands are comfortable, functional and stylish!