Our Mission:
To provide quality, stylish headwear that is ethically made--helping to make the world a better place, one piece at a time.
I will be honest, I had never done anything this entrepreneurial before. Looking back, I was probably way out of my element. I had been listening to podcasts and reading books on how to start your own business. I knew I didn't want a service-oriented business, so I started thinking about products I could create and sell. I love headbands, and because I couldn't find the perfect one in the marketplace, I decided that was where it was at for me. I knew that by combining design elements from a few of my favorites, I could create the perfect headband – one that was comfortable, stylish, and functional.
After researching how I would find a manufacturer, I realized most of these textile companies were located in China. This was a little discouraging to me for a couple of reasons. First, I don't speak Chinese and I really had no idea how to find out how their employees were treated or the conditions in which they worked. While I am sure most of these factories were reputable, the lack of transparency just didn't sit well with me. I knew I wanted to find a manufacturer that was committed to operating in an ethical and socially- responsible way, and was also able to offer high-quality product. So, I put my project on hold until I could find the right partner.
As luck would have it, a few weeks later, I ended up striking up a conversation with another mom at my daughter's gymnastics practice. She told me her family was from Colorado, but lived in Nepal, where her family has a fair trade, ethical manufacturing company, called Purnaa. I learned that Purnaa helps women coming out of slavery and sex-trafficking situations get back on their feet by providing them employment opportunities in the garment industry. I immediately knew my partnership with Purnaa was meant to be! I now refer to this chance encounter as my "divine coincidence."
Over the next few months, my husband and I worked closely with this wonderful couple on designing my headbands, picking out fabrics, and creating a manufacturing plan...and HeadPeace was born!